
Effective Prevention for Healthier Smiles | Greenwood Family Dentist

Greenwood Dentist

  Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children and adolescents. About ¼ of children and more than half of teens currently have this illness. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 90% of adults over age 20 have some amount of tooth-root decay. However, tooth decay is highly […]

Creating a Healthy Smile for Life | Family Dentist Near Me

Greenwood Dentist

Good oral health is an important part of overall health and wellbeing. As a parent, it’s important to instill good oral health habits in your children from a young age. Teaching children good oral health habits can help them maintain a healthy mouth and smile throughout their lives.    To start, it’s important to create […]

Understanding the Relationship Between Acid Levels and Tooth Decay | Family Dentist in 29653

Greenwood Dentist

Acid levels in the mouth can have a major impact on the likelihood of developing tooth decay. When the acid levels in the mouth are too high, it can cause the enamel of the teeth to become weakened, leading to the development of cavities. When the acid levels in the mouth are too low, it […]

Fruit Juice & Your Teeth: A Message From Your Dentist | 29653 Family Dentist

Greenwood Dentist

Don’t be fooled by the label “100 percent fruit juice.” Drinks advertised in this way might seem like a healthy choice, but these drinks may be doing more harm than good. In fact, fruit juices contain sugar that can lead to tooth decay. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently reevaluated their recommendations for allowing […]

Maintaining Your Oral Health During Illness | 29653 Family Dentist

Greenwood Dentist

Sniffling, sneezing, and coughing. Being sick can make it more difficult to keep up with your daily routine. Don’t let your cold or flu become an excuse for overlooking your oral hygiene. In fact, when you’re sick it is essential that you continue to stick to your regular brushing and flossing routine. Here are a […]

The Connection Between Diet and Tooth Decay: Strengthening Your Teeth Through Good Nutrition | Family Dentist 29653

Greenwood Dentist

It’s no surprise that what we eat and drink has a direct effect on our health and well-being. What many people don’t realize is that the food and beverages that we consume can also have a major impact on the health of our teeth. In fact, the connection between diet and tooth decay is so […]

Revolutionizing Dental Care: How Dental Technology is Changing the Way We Treat Tooth Decay | Hodges Dentist

Greenwood Dentist

In today’s world, dental technology has become an integral part of treating tooth decay. Dental technology has revolutionized the way dentists diagnose and treat problems, providing faster and more accurate results than ever before. This technology has made it easier for dentists to provide better care for their patients, while also reducing the amount of […]

Beyond Wrinkles: The Surprising Benefits of Botox in Dentistry | Dentist Near Me

Greenwood Dentist

Botox, also known as Botulinum toxin, is commonly known as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles and fine lines on the face. However, in recent years, it has also found its way into the field of dentistry. Botox is a safe and effective treatment for a range of dental issues, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, bruxism, […]

Tooth Sensitivity and What it Means | Dentist In Hodges SC

Greenwood Dentist

Tooth sensitivity can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. It is often described as a sharp or shooting pain that occurs when the tooth is exposed to certain stimuli like hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods, or even just air. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 8 people suffer from tooth sensitivity […]

The Sweet Truth About Cavities: Exploring the Relationship between Sugar and Dental Health | Hodges SC Dentist

Greenwood Dentist

Sugar is often blamed for causing cavities, but the truth is a bit more complicated than that. Cavities, also known as dental caries, are caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce acid when they feed on carbohydrates, including sugar. This acid can eat away at the enamel on teeth, leading to decay and cavities. […]